Jordanian partners are getting closer to becoming certified trainers on the Euromed Trade Helpdesk! 

Following a first successful workshop in August, representatives of Jordanian public and private institutions joined the Training of Trainers in late October. The 4-day training enhanced participants' market analysis skills and deepened their knowledge of the regional tool. The capacity-building programme on Euromed Trade Helpdesk was made possible thanks to the collaboration with the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply, Jordan Exports, and the financial support of the European Union.
The capacity-building programme’s objective? Establish a network of certified trainers ready to spread knowledge on Euromed Trade Helpdesk among national economic operators. Participants are now preparing their own information sessions to raise awareness on:

The Euromed Trade Helpdesk is a free online tool that provides reliable data for informed business decisions in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean countries. Create your account now:
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